C/ Astúries 48, baixos, 08012 Barcelona Tel. 93 217 98 56 Fax. 93 368 39 75

Arnau Lesperut:

Arnau Lesperut

Arnau Lesperut has worked in Los Angeles on three screenplays that he has turned into three novels: "El llibre de les bèsties" (The Book of Beasts), "Vuit Trobadors" (Eight Troubadours), and "Aitor, el gegant afortunat "(Aitor, The Lucky Giant), all in Catalan.
He is currently married to Hatice Aksüt and has a daughter.


Hatice Aksüt:

Hatice Aksüt

Hatice Aksüt took a course in illustration at the Joso School and has worked on the illustrations of three books: "El llibre de les bèsties", "Aitor, el gegant afortunat" and those of her first novel in Turkish, "Lily May and the Lost Dreams ".
They are, respectively, the director and editor of the Hilgard Academy and the head English teacher and tutor for the First Certificate exams.